As I have mentioned earlier, I have been diagnosed with diabetic. So from 7 months onwards, my checkup became very frequent, and additional to that kena jumpa lak diabetic doc. My sweet lovely dr Siti. So till 36 weeks, I thought I am about to deliver, sebab malam tu dah sakit perut memulas.Tapi dalam hati tu lebih terpikir yang aku ni salah makan . But then, dh x tahan sgt, go to emergency. End up admitted due to diarrhea, tp contraction pn sama naik gak. Bila nurse check (dun asked me how she checked, memang rasa nak kasik penendang je) my bukaan tak bukak pun. Admitted 1 night then balik.
38 weeks.
So, a week before doc. has gave an option to me, nak belah terus or nak tunggu sampai dia mai sendirik ke, or nak induce, and give me all sort of effect of choosing each of it.Me kalau boleh nak normal sangat. Then doc said she can't wait til full term, sebab me diabetic,(takut apa-apa kejadian kat baby if tunggu lama-lama, such as pre mature death, cacat and etc), so kira option nk tunggu dia sakit sendiri tu macam tak lah, and she dun suggest for induce, sebab nampak macam I takkan dilate lah, walaupun di paksa. So tinggal lah option C- section. So set lah date bila nak di belahkan perut ni. We choose 3rd Oct, kunon since papa pun birth date pun 3rd Sept (x relevant sangat pun).
At the day itself, memang tak dapat nak lelapkan mata, coz tak boleh nak imagine the procedure. Takut, nervous, semua lah. By 7 smthing, at Sun Med, I was assisted to go to Labour Room, waited there,bagi segala ubat untuk flush out everything, then pushed to OT. Waited there at the outside of OT, and anasthetic doc came and start masuk jarum. Dah 3 kali dok cucuk-cucuk x lepas-lepas, my hubby dah hangin. Then he kept apologize n at last baru masuk jarum kecik sikit.
Then pushed to OT, diorg dengan pantas nya dah start cocok epidural pulak. (since I choose to awake while they cut me). I can't see the procedure, tapi later when I saw it on some documentary story, gila panjang jarum! Then me dah start lalok and half awake.. I think they start to cut me. They cover my sight from the cutting process. And my hubby hold my hand, and waited beside me. (he said he saw everything on how they cut me, layer by layer, and blood splattered everywhere, gila lah laki aku ni!)
Then, I heard a cry voice, memang sangat loud, and automatically I cried, joyful tears of course. Yang di tunggu-tunggu. So lahir lah baby boy by name of Sahil Rajput Rashid, born 03-Oct -2012 at 11.16 am , 3.63 kg. Tunjuk kt I kejap, then my hubby berlari with the nurse and show it to all family member,a nd azan kan dia. I got like few second glance, and they have it like forever, and my sis in law jadi the photographer yang dengan pantasnya mengupdate kat fb. He he..
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First baby pic.. |
After all settled, I have been pushed to my room, and by night, drug effect has gone, and I felt the pain. Makan pain killer pon tak jalan. At last mintak injection jugak, legaa.. baby has started being pushed to me, nak feed dia..tapi still terkial-kial.
The next morning, got devastated news, my baby breathing is not doing so well. Doctor dah start give him support machine. Masa tu terus berdebar-debar. People who came,all tak dapat jumpa baby. The next day he being pushed to ICU, lagi I sedih. So on 3rd day, I already have learnt how to walk slowly, and I insisted to hubby nak jumpa baby. So he bring me there to see him. Remuk hati that time seeing baby with all sorts of wires and prong in his nose. He doesn't seems to be stable, but doc keep insisted he is doing fine. I keep holding his hand, head legs, and whispered to him that he will be fine. And burst into tears. And that was my routine for the next few days.
During that time, all sorts of method I can think of to ensure he will recover, I will do, like pressing my milk to sure he is still get his mom's milk, even he is far from his ammi ji. Siap bergadoh-gadoh berebut breast pump (which is so weird private hospital ada 1 je breast pump and brand cikai pulak tu.. sabar je lah). End up my hubby can't take it, hari tu jugak cari dia breastpump set. Hamik..
On the 8th day, doc already confirmed that he is doing great, and we bring him back home with joy, and can see how he smiled.
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Smiley Sahil |