Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The delivery story

As I have mentioned earlier, I have been diagnosed with diabetic. So from 7 months onwards, my checkup became very frequent, and additional to that kena jumpa lak diabetic doc. My sweet lovely dr Siti. So till 36 weeks, I thought I am about to deliver, sebab malam tu dah sakit perut memulas.Tapi dalam hati tu lebih terpikir yang aku ni salah makan . But then, dh x tahan sgt, go to emergency. End up admitted due to diarrhea, tp contraction pn sama naik gak. Bila nurse check (dun asked me how she checked, memang rasa nak kasik penendang je) my bukaan tak bukak pun. Admitted 1 night then balik.

38 weeks.
So, a week before doc. has gave an option to me, nak belah terus or nak tunggu sampai dia mai sendirik ke, or nak induce, and give me all sort of effect of choosing each of it.Me kalau boleh nak normal sangat. Then doc said she can't wait til full term, sebab me diabetic,(takut apa-apa kejadian kat baby if tunggu lama-lama, such as pre mature death, cacat and etc), so kira option nk tunggu dia sakit sendiri tu macam tak lah, and she dun suggest for induce, sebab nampak macam I takkan dilate lah, walaupun di paksa. So tinggal lah option C- section. So set lah date bila nak di belahkan perut ni. We choose 3rd Oct, kunon since papa pun birth date pun 3rd Sept (x relevant sangat pun).

At the day itself, memang tak dapat nak lelapkan mata, coz tak boleh nak imagine the procedure. Takut, nervous, semua lah. By 7 smthing, at Sun Med, I was assisted to go to Labour Room, waited there,bagi segala ubat untuk  flush out everything, then pushed to OT. Waited there at the outside of OT, and anasthetic doc came and start masuk jarum. Dah 3 kali dok cucuk-cucuk x lepas-lepas, my hubby dah hangin. Then he kept apologize n at last baru masuk jarum kecik sikit.

Then pushed to OT, diorg dengan pantas nya dah start cocok epidural pulak. (since I choose to awake while they cut me). I can't see the procedure, tapi later when I saw it on some documentary story, gila panjang jarum! Then me dah start lalok and half awake.. I think they start to cut me. They cover my sight from the cutting process. And my hubby hold my hand, and waited beside me. (he said he saw everything on how they cut me, layer by layer, and blood splattered everywhere, gila lah laki aku ni!)

Then, I heard a cry voice, memang sangat loud, and automatically I cried, joyful tears of course. Yang di tunggu-tunggu. So lahir lah baby boy by name of Sahil Rajput Rashid, born 03-Oct -2012 at 11.16 am , 3.63 kg. Tunjuk kt I kejap, then my hubby berlari with the nurse and show it to all family member,a nd azan kan dia. I got like few second glance, and they have it like forever, and my sis in law jadi the photographer yang dengan pantasnya mengupdate kat fb. He he..

First baby pic..

After all settled, I have been pushed to my room, and  by night, drug effect has gone, and I felt the pain. Makan pain killer pon tak jalan. At last mintak injection jugak, legaa.. baby has started being pushed to me, nak feed dia..tapi still terkial-kial.

The next morning, got devastated news, my baby breathing is not doing so well. Doctor dah start give him support machine. Masa tu terus berdebar-debar. People who came,all tak dapat jumpa baby. The next day he being pushed to ICU, lagi I sedih. So on 3rd day, I already have learnt how to walk slowly, and I insisted to hubby nak jumpa baby. So he bring me there to see him. Remuk hati that time seeing baby with all sorts of wires and prong in his nose. He doesn't seems to be stable, but doc keep insisted he is doing fine. I keep holding his hand, head legs, and whispered to him that he will be fine. And burst into tears. And that was my routine for the next few days.

During that time, all sorts of method I can think of to ensure he will recover, I will do, like pressing my milk to sure he is still get his mom's milk, even he is far from his ammi ji. Siap bergadoh-gadoh berebut breast pump (which is so weird private hospital ada 1 je breast pump and brand cikai pulak tu.. sabar je lah).  End up my hubby can't take it, hari tu jugak cari dia breastpump set. Hamik..

On the 8th day, doc already confirmed that he is doing great, and we bring him back home with joy, and can see how he smiled.
Smiley Sahil 
Next story - it is all about him.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Italian Job Part I

This post is about my trip to Italy in this year.

Trip to visit my husband, for 2nd time, and have a great holiday. My journey, overall okay sajok. (except for the Kuwait Airways part yg dah diceritakan dalam post sebelum ni). Masa sampai kat Kuwait Airport, memang sejuk gila, like 6 degrees, cepat-cepat tukar boots.

Then I reached Fiumicino Airport (Rome) around 4pm, and melompat lah aku bila nampak hubby tersayang yg dah 6 bln tak jumpa. Then journey to his place took another 31/2 hours to go. Masa arrived, tak snow lagi, tapi dah kesejukan sangat. This time snow sampai agak lambat. (1st Feb baru turun salji).

This time takde la byk jalan-jalan, since cuaca pon tak membantu sangat. Nak keluar menikmati cappucini and brioche pun terseksa rasa sejuk. Mungkin tak biasa dengan cuaca yang cold and wet and it is so not for me. Memang tak enjoy, but at least pengalaman.

And another place that I never miss to go, is Prada outlet at Saint' el Pidio. This time sampai 3 x trip lah. Mana taknya, it took only 10 mins from our house to the place. Sangat dekat!  He he he.. Sampai sales girl Prada nampak aku je dah gelak-gelak. Borong sampai 5 bag and 4 wallet this time.

Apart from that, nothing much, except for enjoying every moment with my hubby. Kadang-kadang just habis kan masa tengok Soprano Series, or new movie ke. Sambil peluk-peluk. (he he he). Tak pun suka borak-borak kosong about our life, and playing with Hamzah and Zeynab (his friend kids) yang sangat comel.

My life is very routine there, but I enjoyed every second of it. By the time I have to go back, it was one of the saddest moment. I missed every single thing there. The quite life, the husband, the house, the kids, the food. (sob sob..)

It seems like forever..

My God!

I am suppose to update my blog at least once a month... And I leave it since like forever! Especially during my pregnancy.. Patut nya update la kejadian-kejadian sepanjang pregnancy up to my the my confinement. Ni sampai dah almost 3 months dah my baby.. Baru teringat nk update blog? Gessshhh.. C'mon Anura... Mcm mana nk jd femes blogger nih? he he he keep track back what has happened for the past 10 months.. Gossh.. where do we start? I am suppose to talk something about my trip to Italy right? Nothing much happened, ehem ehem (the fact that came back with the news that I am knocked up, takdak apa-apa kunon.. he he he.. It was snow there.. and make things so romantic suddenly.. :P 

Then, of course as you guys knows, Pregnancy all the way.. I think my pregnancy has made me become the laziest human being ever. (Salahkan pregnancy pulak la kan.. ;P). So basically pregnancy story is the highlight  of my story for this year. I will start writing about what I can remembered from my pregnancy, as it still fresh inside my mind. I love being pregnant, but hate the delivery/ confinement part. Kalau boleh nak skip je part tu.

As a mukadimah, I will tell you a bit what had happened so far..Alhamdulilah... along the way I don't have any morning sickness..I thank Allah, as He helped me on that part since that time I was alone during my 7 months of pregnancy... My hubby manage to come back from Italy after that only.. Got little complication on 1st trimester.. kena bed rest for a week..other than that.. okay.

Then the last trimester of pregnancy is became a challenge to me. I think when my hubby is with me, banyak lak kejadian. Firstly, they found out that I have diabetic, and my reading was 14! 14 tu dah tahap bahaya danger dah! And I became a bit frustrated, coz all this while..haven't found any complication..and I did my O&G visit like almost every month. How come now only they found out I had diabetic? Is it was a bit too late? If I know earlier.. confirm dah jaga makan dr awal. Takde la bantai segala durian sumer.. ( oh ya.. I craved for durian during my pregnancy!). So bila tinggal lagi 2 months to go.. they asked me to do the insulin shot, instead of oral medication, since dah terlambat. Hu hu hu.. apa kah?

So can you imagine jabbing yourself with needle 4 times per day? I nie adalah  manusia paling penakut jarum.. but when you can just think of the baby safety.. and that motherly feeling.. all the scary feeling tu you telan je lah. Just suck it up. I have been consulted, kena belajar poking myself with needle.. and all that. Gosh..

Then sampai the delivery day. I think I will write the Delivery story at some other time, sebab macam panjang pulak cerita that part.

My hope after this, that I will write more, to leave this as my memoir.. to whoever wants to read it of coz :).

Ta ta..


Monday, 20 February 2012

Horror Stories abt Kuwait Airways

Saja nak cite pasal Kuwait Airways..

This time agak berjimat2 since I have to shop a lot before my trip, like for boots, winter clothing skit2.. so bila tang flight ticket I have to find yang murah punya. And dapat lah Kuwait Airways for the price of RM 2,570, murahkan?

Di sebabkan kemurahan nya, expectation untuk best service tu mintak mahap la ya.. Memang hazab. Bak kata my friend, macam MAS punya flight in the 90s. I think since they bought it tak pernah upgrade ke hape. Tempat letak kaki cam senget  benget. Screen untuk movie kecik gila, nak tukar chanel punya siksa smpi nk patah kuku, (so kalau dah terlajak terbuka chanel arab yang tayang komedi arab keji, ko terima saja lah). So end up aku tidor sahaja most of the time.

Food dia jangan cakap la, membuat kan aku teringatkan nasi goreng kantin tetiba. Sebak kejap., plus the steward and stewards yang dah berumur dan gomoks and kasar, and buat kerja ala -ala campak je. Pastu boleh sound kat orang yang pergi ambil blanket suka suki. Dah aku boleh dengar orang tu dok mintak blanket tak dapat-dapat, bila orang tu gi ambil sendiri ko marah lak. So motif nya sini buat kerja okay!

Pastu masa flight pulang from Italy, aku pon menggunakan toilet dalam flight.1st aku masuk toilet on my right . Masuk-masuk the cover seat tertutup, by the time aku bukak, mengucap kejap. Segala ular berlingkar sumer cukup.. Celakaaaaa... Then cepat-cepat pegi sebelah, pun jenis cover seat tertutup, aku pon dah doa-doa jangan la sama, ok selamat... Pastu dah selesai sumer, aku kuar aku x tutup la seat cover tu, coz aku pikir takmau orang kena pengalaman ngeri aku kan. Pastu stewardess tu sound-sound kat kawan dia apsal aku tak tutup cover seat sumer. Aku datang depan dia "Excuse me, I am here now , can you talk to me face to face?" Terus terkedu.

Thats All for now..

Nanti cite pasal Italy pulak.


Mommy to be..

Excited kan dengar the title?  I was super excited, nak update pasal my trip to Italy pun like terus xde feeling.. coz this is above all! Alhamdulilah, tak sangka sangat-sangat. . And me being a lazy bump, and some more masuk kerja pun terus cam bz.. ha hamik... preggy terus!

The breaking news started last Sat, pagi-pagi dah buat test. Mula-mula mcm x percaya nampak 2 line. Terus call hubby, x angkat pulak. Then terus bbm mak reen. Melompat makcik tu! Then my hubby return call, update dia, terus cam terkedu jap pakcik tu. Then cam excited gila.. tapi hubby xmo excited terlampau asked me to go to clinic to confirm. Sambil-sambil tu buat 2nd round of test, lagi clear 2 line. Tangan dah terketar-ketar macam caya tak caya. (to be frank, I am preparing myself for the worst)
Hamik 2 line terus!

Went to clinic, dgn punya ramai manusia and I  holding my pee, coz I mati-mati ingat doc nak test pakai pregnancy test. Macam nak meletup perut tahan pee pee.. lama gila..sejam 1/2 my turn. Then when it comes to my turn, doc ckp kalau dh 2x test tu, and 2 line.. memang confirm lah. no need for another round, just buat ultrasound saja, tgk camne rupanya, and I saw something like peanut size thingy inside. Dah 4 weeks..

My 1st scan..

And my hand still shaking, then terus to my mom's house. After talking to her, seriously I am pretty much calm and  feeling much better. Break the news to closest family and friends, Gosh I feel so blessed. This is like the moment that me and others has been waiting for. Celebrate the news by having nice dinner at La Bodega, treat by Timah.  Really-really blessed.

Why it such a big thing to me? Coz I have been wanting this since like a year. I have been married for 2 years and 7 months, and dah agak mengharap. I wasn't that much trying on the 1st year,tapi dah mcm start checking2 on 2nd year onwards, then I got to know I have  hormonal problem, and plus suddenly hubby got offer to work oversea. Feeling frusttrated, so 2011 I wasn't trying that much, since jumpa hubby 6 month  sekali.. and gaps 6 months for me to do macam-macam treatment, ambil supplement (multivitamin, fish oil, epo oil and asid folic), amik meliliea to detox my body, grapefruit diet nye la... and did my ovulation calculation every cycle w/o fail, and ambil body temperature nye lah.. and masa the latest trip to see hubby mmg betul2 set timing, siap tunggu my 'aunt flow' coming, baru beli ticket,so memang set timing betul-betul masa my ovulation. Tak mau macam the trip before, time dalam flight time tu lah dia nak mai, termenung hubby seminggu.. Apa-apa pun syukur sangat-sangat. Alhamdulilah..

Usaha Tangga Kejayaan!

Anura a. k.a Niggi

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Kejadian di 2012..

Salam korang..

2012 it just started... And dah beberapa kejadian terjadi to me..
Firstly, I lost my laptop at home! Gila stresssss... And I still don't have the idea how did it happened? Ada org masuk ke? Masa bila, macam mana? And kenapa I boleh tak sedar. Memang  aku takde jawapan langsung. Kebengongan kejap. Till now tak cakap lagi dengan mama.. Tatut kena bebel.Hu Hu.. But I just see all this as hikmah. Walau pun stress dengan  effort yang aku dah curah kan dalam lappy tu for 1 year, yang at last di sapu habis pencurik! Cis... Hikmah nye, sekarang ni nak pasang grill lak kat umah tu.. dah di koreknya pintu tu untuk masuk.. So skrg ni nak letak grill lak.. or should I put CCTV? (hmm..good idea gak). At least terjawab gak segala kemusykilan camne aku nye laptop tu leh ghaib. 

2nd kejadian, these few days, (in fact since last week) I had something like sakit and berdengung dalam lubang telinga ku. You know when you on higher ground or in the flight, sometimes your ear get stuffed by air,and you can't hear that much. And additional to that, your ear sakit macam perit skit. I had this experience once in 2010, bila asyik turun naik flight during our honeymoon that time.So I had this pain currently. So semalam gi la check what's wrong with my ear. I gi to Dr Lee SS 15, my fav doc. Mula-mula masa dia check, dia kata my ear might have some infections. Terus ngeri, "eee..tatut". She said she saw something whitey inside my ears. So I pun dah scary2.. then dia buat la proses mengeluar kan 'fungus' tu.. Rupa2nya not fungus, tapi cotton bud yang tertinggal dalam telinga aku! Not 1 but 2 ok! Hahahahahahaha..  Tergelak-gelak doc when she saw it... Macam curious macam mana boleh tertinggal dlm telinga .. hehe.. 

So that's about it... and now tengah tak sabar dah nak terbang ke Italy... Viva Italia!


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Its 2012 y'all!

Gosh...Its already 2012!

And I am so so left behind with my blogging... Takpe ..part of this year resolution will update as much as I can in my bondabondi blog.

My 2012 starts with what I called a good start.. which first time in my life I enjoyed my fireworks show.. like not stucked in the jam, and suddenly its midnite and have to pull over to enjoy the show (wtf).. This time I was at Dome Cafe the Curve, with my 2 BFF, Shareen & Ezreen ( I dunno why I'm stucked with Reen Reen ppl.. kakakakaka).. and fireworks is just above us!  we enjoyed our cakes, and talking and munching and talking.... 

Nice Rite?


Despite of all rumours about how world gonna end by 2012, I just hope it still give me hope and greatness & happiness in this year. I just wish to be with my hubby again, and lose more weight and weight.. and have cute baby.. and travelling to another part of country like greece, turki or chec maybe..
Oh speaking of travelling, I am planning to visit my husband really soon. Counting days - 8 days to go.. Dying to see him.. and I am so lemau these few days. U know lemau? like expired biscuits, or things that expired..(wth..I am giving some stupid analogy here) .. 
Lemau till the extend my boss said something to me...I was just nodded but don't even know what on earth she's talking (or more like nagging).. I just heard bla bla bla bla.. you need to be more proactive... and bla bla bla bla.. proactive.. and zzzzz .. To the extend she shussh shussh me just to get my attention! ha ha ha.. sowwiee

I think my lemau state has something to do with my trip soon to italy.. its like my body is here.. but my heart and soul is there already..  Please please please.. let me thru this 8 days.. to boss besar and kecik.. I am sorry boss.. I will be more semangat & pumped after my trip hokay! (I pomish! with innocent face)

Innocent Niggi..