Saja nak cite pasal Kuwait Airways..
This time agak berjimat2 since I have to shop a lot before my trip, like for boots, winter clothing skit2.. so bila tang flight ticket I have to find yang murah punya. And dapat lah Kuwait Airways for the price of RM 2,570, murahkan?
Di sebabkan kemurahan nya, expectation untuk best service tu mintak mahap la ya.. Memang hazab. Bak kata my friend, macam MAS punya flight in the 90s. I think since they bought it tak pernah upgrade ke hape. Tempat letak kaki cam senget benget. Screen untuk movie kecik gila, nak tukar chanel punya siksa smpi nk patah kuku, (so kalau dah terlajak terbuka chanel arab yang tayang komedi arab keji, ko terima saja lah). So end up aku tidor sahaja most of the time.
Food dia jangan cakap la, membuat kan aku teringatkan nasi goreng kantin tetiba. Sebak kejap., plus the steward and stewards yang dah berumur dan gomoks and kasar, and buat kerja ala -ala campak je. Pastu boleh sound kat orang yang pergi ambil blanket suka suki. Dah aku boleh dengar orang tu dok mintak blanket tak dapat-dapat, bila orang tu gi ambil sendiri ko marah lak. So motif nya sini buat kerja okay!
Pastu masa flight pulang from Italy, aku pon menggunakan toilet dalam flight.1st aku masuk toilet on my right . Masuk-masuk the cover seat tertutup, by the time aku bukak, mengucap kejap. Segala ular berlingkar sumer cukup.. Celakaaaaa... Then cepat-cepat pegi sebelah, pun jenis cover seat tertutup, aku pon dah doa-doa jangan la sama, ok selamat... Pastu dah selesai sumer, aku kuar aku x tutup la seat cover tu, coz aku pikir takmau orang kena pengalaman ngeri aku kan. Pastu stewardess tu sound-sound kat kawan dia apsal aku tak tutup cover seat sumer. Aku datang depan dia "Excuse me, I am here now , can you talk to me face to face?" Terus terkedu.
Thats All for now..
Nanti cite pasal Italy pulak.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Mommy to be..
Excited kan dengar the title?
I was super excited, nak update pasal my trip to Italy pun like terus xde feeling.. coz this is above all! Alhamdulilah, tak sangka sangat-sangat. . And me being a lazy bump, and some more masuk kerja pun terus cam bz.. ha hamik... preggy terus!
The breaking news started last Sat, pagi-pagi dah buat test. Mula-mula mcm x percaya nampak 2 line. Terus call hubby, x angkat pulak. Then terus bbm mak reen. Melompat makcik tu! Then my hubby return call, update dia, terus cam terkedu jap pakcik tu. Then cam excited gila.. tapi hubby xmo excited terlampau asked me to go to clinic to confirm. Sambil-sambil tu buat 2nd round of test, lagi clear 2 line. Tangan dah terketar-ketar macam caya tak caya. (to be frank, I am preparing myself for the worst)
Went to clinic, dgn punya ramai manusia and I holding my pee, coz I mati-mati ingat doc nak test pakai pregnancy test. Macam nak meletup perut tahan pee pee.. lama gila..sejam 1/2 my turn. Then when it comes to my turn, doc ckp kalau dh 2x test tu, and 2 line.. memang confirm lah. no need for another round, just buat ultrasound saja, tgk camne rupanya, and I saw something like peanut size thingy inside. Dah 4 weeks..
And my hand still shaking, then terus to my mom's house. After talking to her, seriously I am pretty much calm and feeling much better. Break the news to closest family and friends, Gosh I feel so blessed. This is like the moment that me and others has been waiting for. Celebrate the news by having nice dinner at La Bodega, treat by Timah. Really-really blessed.
Why it such a big thing to me? Coz I have been wanting this since like a year. I have been married for 2 years and 7 months, and dah agak mengharap. I wasn't that much trying on the 1st year,tapi dah mcm start checking2 on 2nd year onwards, then I got to know I have hormonal problem, and plus suddenly hubby got offer to work oversea. Feeling frusttrated, so 2011 I wasn't trying that much, since jumpa hubby 6 month sekali.. and gaps 6 months for me to do macam-macam treatment, ambil supplement (multivitamin, fish oil, epo oil and asid folic), amik meliliea to detox my body, grapefruit diet nye la... and did my ovulation calculation every cycle w/o fail, and ambil body temperature nye lah.. and masa the latest trip to see hubby mmg betul2 set timing, siap tunggu my 'aunt flow' coming, baru beli ticket,so memang set timing betul-betul masa my ovulation. Tak mau macam the trip before, time dalam flight time tu lah dia nak mai, termenung hubby seminggu.. Apa-apa pun syukur sangat-sangat. Alhamdulilah..
Usaha Tangga Kejayaan!
Anura a. k.a Niggi
The breaking news started last Sat, pagi-pagi dah buat test. Mula-mula mcm x percaya nampak 2 line. Terus call hubby, x angkat pulak. Then terus bbm mak reen. Melompat makcik tu! Then my hubby return call, update dia, terus cam terkedu jap pakcik tu. Then cam excited gila.. tapi hubby xmo excited terlampau asked me to go to clinic to confirm. Sambil-sambil tu buat 2nd round of test, lagi clear 2 line. Tangan dah terketar-ketar macam caya tak caya. (to be frank, I am preparing myself for the worst)
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Hamik 2 line terus! |
Went to clinic, dgn punya ramai manusia and I holding my pee, coz I mati-mati ingat doc nak test pakai pregnancy test. Macam nak meletup perut tahan pee pee.. lama gila..sejam 1/2 my turn. Then when it comes to my turn, doc ckp kalau dh 2x test tu, and 2 line.. memang confirm lah. no need for another round, just buat ultrasound saja, tgk camne rupanya, and I saw something like peanut size thingy inside. Dah 4 weeks..
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My 1st scan.. |
And my hand still shaking, then terus to my mom's house. After talking to her, seriously I am pretty much calm and feeling much better. Break the news to closest family and friends, Gosh I feel so blessed. This is like the moment that me and others has been waiting for. Celebrate the news by having nice dinner at La Bodega, treat by Timah. Really-really blessed.
Why it such a big thing to me? Coz I have been wanting this since like a year. I have been married for 2 years and 7 months, and dah agak mengharap. I wasn't that much trying on the 1st year,tapi dah mcm start checking2 on 2nd year onwards, then I got to know I have hormonal problem, and plus suddenly hubby got offer to work oversea. Feeling frusttrated, so 2011 I wasn't trying that much, since jumpa hubby 6 month sekali.. and gaps 6 months for me to do macam-macam treatment, ambil supplement (multivitamin, fish oil, epo oil and asid folic), amik meliliea to detox my body, grapefruit diet nye la... and did my ovulation calculation every cycle w/o fail, and ambil body temperature nye lah.. and masa the latest trip to see hubby mmg betul2 set timing, siap tunggu my 'aunt flow' coming, baru beli ticket,so memang set timing betul-betul masa my ovulation. Tak mau macam the trip before, time dalam flight time tu lah dia nak mai, termenung hubby seminggu.. Apa-apa pun syukur sangat-sangat. Alhamdulilah..
Usaha Tangga Kejayaan!
Anura a. k.a Niggi
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