Baru ada masa sikit nak bercerita about my experience during the treatment.
28th October
Day after the operation. Alhamdullilah everything went well. I am so scared, never been into this deep sleep before. When I woke up, a bit weak, but slowly recovered. Just noticed there are few holes on my tummy.
29th October.
Out from Hospital
03rd November 2014- 30th November
My 1st radiotherapy session. At first I dunno what to expect. With the big machine awaits. But then it just some painless procedure. with the machine goes around you. Good thing about PCMC, during the session they will put on the Al Quran recitation, if you are muslim, or if others, they will put all this soothing sounds during the session.
05th November 2014, and every Wednesday. (till 01st December)
Had my 1st chemo. My fear is more towards when they want to set up an IV drip on your hand. Bab cucuk2 tu.. But then after a while.. you just being pasrah. Macam cucuk la apa-apa yang nak dicucuk.. But I can't watch still...Then you have to wait for the IV drip to finish.. Then they give you the drug or Cisplatin in my case. Dalam keadaan redha la all the time. Masa 1st masuk, a bit sakit.. not use too kot..
And alhamdulillah from 1st chemo till the end. Semua berjalan lancar. I dont't experience any nausea, or vomitting, or any severe side effects. Just hair loss and mulut taste like metal.. And I don't lose weight. (stress gak..igt sakit-sakit ni boleh la turun sikit berat tu..hehe).. But then, maybe because of the steroid that I took. Part of side effects of steroid, memang akan menggemuk. In my case, langsung tak turun.. huhuhuhu
02nd till 20th December
Started my Brachiteraphy session. The scariest part, still the jarum part. Especially part diorg nk cocok kt spine tu.. Punya la berdebar.. sampai terdiam. I have told nurse, if I diam je tu, meaning tgh takut sangat la kot.. They are so baik with me.. keep asking me to calm down. The anesthetic Doc keep telling me why la I so takut. I can't even think of it, tremble.
20th December
I went for the patient celebration in PCMC. In away it is kind a my celebration of my treatment completion. Rasa cam lega. To think of how nice they are, from the doctor, nurses, the radiotherapist, and etc. Serious, one in million experience that I can't forget. Especially my Doc, Dr. Azriff who really kind and warm, and doing his great job to treat me,. To the nurses, Sis Rahimah, Sis Zuraidah, Yap and few others, who are doing their job greatly, and to the Radiotherapist, Lia and Mr Kannan, yg sgt friendly and warm. I am so glad with this group of people yang sentiasa memberi 100% support that you need in the time like this.
Thank you soooo much!
Some of the pic during the patient celebration day..
Friday, 12 December 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Battling with Big C - Part 2
So busy with the work and family, and forgot about my illness. After the big submission on my Pos Tender, and mean time went for few visit to different specialist. At that moment still have not sure to which specialist, or which medical centre that I should go to. It is more asking people around, but most give a specialist for O&G specialist. I need an opinion from cancer expert as well (dunno the term oncologist yet).
Then decided to google around, saw the list of good medical centre, such as pantai, pcmc, and as well as sdmc (even I am now like 50-50 with them). Then dunno why, I have decided to try Prince Court, from a feedback of a friend, they are like so good. So, okay let me see google. Then it was kind a short notice, I have googled the name and contact, and straight away email them for Saturday appointment, (it was Friday that time). Luckily they have slot for me. Alhamdulillah. And I have set to meet up with Dr. Azriff.
The meeting went well, with more details about the things that I have been dealing with. Its pretty much gives me more understanding, and in fact he gave me some readings after the meet up for me to read through what is Cervical Cancer it is all about, with the promise to connect me with 1 patient with similar situation.
He gives different opinion on what sort of treatment that I should go through. No surgery, but with Radioatherapy, Chemotheraphy, and Brachitherapy. He said, even with the surgery, it wont be able to save my uterus anymore, since the tumour is quite big. If the operation, the choice will be to remove the uterus. I am still devastated when I hear this at first. So which ever option I have chose, it wont be able to save my uterus anymore, and wont be able to have more baby. I know hubby was devastated as well.
We went back with so many things inside my head. In the mean time, I have set the appointment with Dr Hamid Arshat as well, for another opinion. At the mean time, I have told Dr Azriff to give me sometimes to think about this.
15th Oct 2014
Meeting with Dato' Dr Hamid Arshat. Today Emi, good friend of mine, and my insurance agent, accompany me for the appointment. I am hoping that Dr Hamid can give some hope on this. My concern is to save my uterus as much as I wanted to..but.. it just so sad to think that I wont be able to conceive again. When he go through my MRI result, and other result, his response to go with what Dr Azriff suggested. No need operation. As the operation is to remove, and it wont be able to save my uterus. And with state of the art technology, no need to go through the surgery pain, he said. So there it goes. from an expert himself. But he suggested to go to Beacon Hospital, since his friend is running the hospital, and they have the best facilities.
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Thansk for accompany me Emi.. |
18th October
My RT planning and simulation begins, This after decided to go with Dr Azriff, as I felt that I have got the support I need from him, and after few opinions from people, like hubby, and few ex-patients.
Prep for my RT simulation Session |
21st Oct,
Did Pet -Scan, as Dr Azriff don't feel at ease when the MRI report earlier, mentioned there is some possibility of my Lymph nodes may have the cancer cell as well.
27th October
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School friend.. glad to have them in my life.. love you all to bits! |
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Pose before the Operation... |
My beautiful view..penat sgt.. |
View from my Hotel eh... my Room..mmg rasa mcm dok hotel.. hehe |
Throwback : Little Celebration for Lil' one.
We had some small celebration of my lil payo birthday. On his birthday itself, took him to indoor playground, Amanville. And we had great time there. But the place is so empty, its just us and 1,2 parents with their toddlers.
Had fun.. had some smoothies, had him driving the remote car, running around in the mall. It so spacious and empty, he can just lied there. He he
The next Sunday, is the Hajj Celebration and Mom decided to do small celebration for little Payo as well. Just some makan-makan during Hajj celebration and small cake cutting for si kecik.
Simple and sweet.
Simple and sweet.
Excited Terlebey |
Yup.. mmg terlebey.. |
Us.. |
kesayangan Ammi.. |
He loves this so much..everytime look at this pic the excitement shows.. |
He loves Hi-5 so much okay.. like too much.. |
Friday, 17 October 2014
Battling with Big C - Part 1
How to start this yeah.. it has been awhile since my last post, and since there are so many things happened recently that definitely change my life forever.
Let me throwback some of big things happened recently, As I feel like to keep track of everything(sort of diaries) and maybe my loves one got the chance to read this.. and knows what I have been through.. sob sob..
25th Sept 2014
I went for a visit to Gynae in Ramsay Sime Darby, after few times visit to my GP, and my current conditions is not improving. So, meet up with the Gynae, and explained to her what has happened, with the explanation from the referral letter itself. So, I was asked to lie down and take all the sample from me for pap smear test, and she explained saw some growth which looks like cauliflower, and my heart was thumping like hell. Her suspect when she saw my conditions, was either the condition is related to STD, or some growth can be fibroid or Cancer related., since she asked me to do the test for Clamydia as well. Inside my heart it is so hard to say its related to STD, as I know myself and hubby. But who knows, things can just happened.
I was so down and weak after the session with the doc, and my pants was soaking in blood, (blood running like a a broken pipe). Luckily I am wearing black, and try to walk slowly to the car and drive back home. At home, I was sooo down, even Dr has not confirmed anything with me, since need to wait till Saturday or the following Monday for the result. But as if I have the sense already about this. Start googling on the cancer related, and stuff. I have told husband the whole story, and he just told me not to worry, nothing bad will happen.
26th - 28th Sept 2014
Nothing much happened. Just that told Mama about what happened, and she also telling me not to worry, and told me she experience almost the same thing 1 year after giving birth to my 3rd brother,and its not severe. I really really hope nothing severe ..
29th Sept
I was so busy with my tender submission, and almost forgot about the result, since they suppose to call me on Saturday. Later in the afternoon, I have received the call from my gynae clinic and informed me result has been out. And they passed the phone to my Gynae and straight on the phone, she told me it is not good news! That I have active cancer cell in the sample. I was soo shocked, that I felt like fainted, and luckily there is a table in front of me to hold on, so that I wont felt down.
And I do not know what am I suppose to do, or to say, or to act, I was just asking her, "Then Dr, what will be next for me", with trembling voice. She striked me with another statement " Then you need to get your uterus removed la like this" I was like " Whaaaaaaatt?" Then straight she said, "Ok,ok. Let me arrange the meeting with Dr Tan, the other specialist in the Gynae./cancer related. (to think of it.. how can she just update me through the phone? where is her empathy? have some mercy at least, when u want to break such a big news to a patient? **sigh deeply
After the phone call, Lin, my colleague saw me with my face changed, Brief her a bit what happened, and I left the meeting straight away. Along the way, I have tried to maintain my coolness as much as I can, and still smiled and discuss a bit with the people in the meeting. I called my husband about the news, he drove (or more like flew to me, since within few mins only, and then he arrived to hospital).
So, Dr Tan has confirmed again the report, and asked me to do the MRI, for him to know how big is the growth.
My hubby hold my hands tightly, and keep telling me it is going to be okay. I can felt that he is so devastated as well, and hold his tears. We went back with after the MRI, and break the news to Mama. She was shocked, and start to think on worst already, and I have to calm her. Like what about my son and what about her.. what about everything. Huhuhu
Looking at my son, of course I am so devastated. My only son, my everything. And I may not have the chance of seeing him growing. But put the negativity aside. Focus on the recover..Give some fighting chance for me to fight this battle. Insyaallah.
1st October
Met Dr Tan again. Based on the MRI report its confirmed that the tumour is around 6cm, (which I pray so much please let it be <4cm). So, this is to confirm that I have Stage 1b2 Cervical Cancer.
Then Dr suggested few options to go with. He do not advise Radiotherapy, since it will cause me menopause, and the effect of menopause that I couldn't bear. Scary to hear it at 1st. Then he suggested me to go with Chemo, to shrink the tumor, and will go for Surgery after that. But with the surgery (at this moment he doesn't share type of surgery to be done) , and its still not confirmed that cancer will be cured totally and chances of getting another chemo and radiotherapy is high.
I was stunned.
As of now, I kind a accept the option, to go for surgery. Need to find another option. Went back go through the whole list of hospital that we can think of, and managed to call Hamid Arshat for appointment. But still doesnt feel right, since I need some Cancer specialist ( at this moment have not familiar with the term oncologist) expert. I have been asking around and people keep giving me the list of O&G specialist.
Stop thinking about my problem for awhile, and needto focus on my lil Payo and Hajj celebration.
To be continued...
Let me throwback some of big things happened recently, As I feel like to keep track of everything(sort of diaries) and maybe my loves one got the chance to read this.. and knows what I have been through.. sob sob..
25th Sept 2014
I went for a visit to Gynae in Ramsay Sime Darby, after few times visit to my GP, and my current conditions is not improving. So, meet up with the Gynae, and explained to her what has happened, with the explanation from the referral letter itself. So, I was asked to lie down and take all the sample from me for pap smear test, and she explained saw some growth which looks like cauliflower, and my heart was thumping like hell. Her suspect when she saw my conditions, was either the condition is related to STD, or some growth can be fibroid or Cancer related., since she asked me to do the test for Clamydia as well. Inside my heart it is so hard to say its related to STD, as I know myself and hubby. But who knows, things can just happened.
I was so down and weak after the session with the doc, and my pants was soaking in blood, (blood running like a a broken pipe). Luckily I am wearing black, and try to walk slowly to the car and drive back home. At home, I was sooo down, even Dr has not confirmed anything with me, since need to wait till Saturday or the following Monday for the result. But as if I have the sense already about this. Start googling on the cancer related, and stuff. I have told husband the whole story, and he just told me not to worry, nothing bad will happen.
26th - 28th Sept 2014
Nothing much happened. Just that told Mama about what happened, and she also telling me not to worry, and told me she experience almost the same thing 1 year after giving birth to my 3rd brother,and its not severe. I really really hope nothing severe ..
29th Sept
I was so busy with my tender submission, and almost forgot about the result, since they suppose to call me on Saturday. Later in the afternoon, I have received the call from my gynae clinic and informed me result has been out. And they passed the phone to my Gynae and straight on the phone, she told me it is not good news! That I have active cancer cell in the sample. I was soo shocked, that I felt like fainted, and luckily there is a table in front of me to hold on, so that I wont felt down.
And I do not know what am I suppose to do, or to say, or to act, I was just asking her, "Then Dr, what will be next for me", with trembling voice. She striked me with another statement " Then you need to get your uterus removed la like this" I was like " Whaaaaaaatt?" Then straight she said, "Ok,ok. Let me arrange the meeting with Dr Tan, the other specialist in the Gynae./cancer related. (to think of it.. how can she just update me through the phone? where is her empathy? have some mercy at least, when u want to break such a big news to a patient? **sigh deeply
After the phone call, Lin, my colleague saw me with my face changed, Brief her a bit what happened, and I left the meeting straight away. Along the way, I have tried to maintain my coolness as much as I can, and still smiled and discuss a bit with the people in the meeting. I called my husband about the news, he drove (or more like flew to me, since within few mins only, and then he arrived to hospital).
So, Dr Tan has confirmed again the report, and asked me to do the MRI, for him to know how big is the growth.
My hubby hold my hands tightly, and keep telling me it is going to be okay. I can felt that he is so devastated as well, and hold his tears. We went back with after the MRI, and break the news to Mama. She was shocked, and start to think on worst already, and I have to calm her. Like what about my son and what about her.. what about everything. Huhuhu
Looking at my son, of course I am so devastated. My only son, my everything. And I may not have the chance of seeing him growing. But put the negativity aside. Focus on the recover..Give some fighting chance for me to fight this battle. Insyaallah.
1st October
Met Dr Tan again. Based on the MRI report its confirmed that the tumour is around 6cm, (which I pray so much please let it be <4cm). So, this is to confirm that I have Stage 1b2 Cervical Cancer.
Then Dr suggested few options to go with. He do not advise Radiotherapy, since it will cause me menopause, and the effect of menopause that I couldn't bear. Scary to hear it at 1st. Then he suggested me to go with Chemo, to shrink the tumor, and will go for Surgery after that. But with the surgery (at this moment he doesn't share type of surgery to be done) , and its still not confirmed that cancer will be cured totally and chances of getting another chemo and radiotherapy is high.
I was stunned.
As of now, I kind a accept the option, to go for surgery. Need to find another option. Went back go through the whole list of hospital that we can think of, and managed to call Hamid Arshat for appointment. But still doesnt feel right, since I need some Cancer specialist ( at this moment have not familiar with the term oncologist) expert. I have been asking around and people keep giving me the list of O&G specialist.
Stop thinking about my problem for awhile, and needto focus on my lil Payo and Hajj celebration.
To be continued...
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Restless weekend.
It is been awhile since the last update.. And usually memang sangat busy. This week je macam okay skit.
In less than 2 weeks my lil Payo is turning to 2years old. Takde plan yang gah sangat this year. Plan nak bawak makan-makan and watching him have fun. Tapi dok pikir till now thinking what will be the best plan. Dok usha sana sini.. I really wished for the barbeque by the pool with family and close friend. Tapi mana nak carik pool nya. My apartment area ada lah pool, but they don't really maintain it well ... Haih..pening pikir. Pusing kepala mak..
By the way.. speaking about that guy. He is growing so fast, and being so cheeky. But he has his own mood. If things not according to his, memang masak prepared with his tantrum. Noticed that if he is not enough sleep, he will be cranky like no body business. Last week that is what happened, during the Playgroup session.
It his 1st playgroup. First 15 minutes can see that he is following and observe carefully. Then he start to get cranky.. Especially when I try to make him stand still. The next 1 hr plus is me struggling or you can called it 'wrestling' with him to get him in the playgroup. I was up and down running, in and out and he is crying out loud like nobody business. At 1 point he was screaming out loud to the level that teacher's voice was sanked by his loud cry. I can sense some pityness in some of parents look when they look at me like that. It was very challenging.
Then after the session finish I called up my hubby and mama to mengadu about him, and he is aware that I am talking about him, and close his face. A minute later, pengsan! Then I realized, he is tired actually, since around 11.30 - 12 pm tu his nap time, tapi sebuk nak hantar pi class la kan. Padan la muka Ammi. Next time make sure dia tido kejap at least.. Takde la cranky mcm monster... Haih anak.
Ok.. curious with the Teacher.. |
Story telling time. - ok..still behave |
Still Bertahan.. |
ok..dah start bgn dah.. |
Done! I am off now.. |
Will try again next week. But I will be more cautious la this time. Make sure he is up and ready for the class.. Huhu. The big improvement I can sense after the class, He start to listen. Usually is so hard for me to get his attention. It depends on his mood. But this time when I tell him " Please put your food on your plate, ok Sahil" . Immediately he response "Ok Ammi". I was shocked. Because usually he just being look at me, or just ignore me totally.
I want him to be more courteous to others, esp his rakan sebaya.. Since he is only spend time with my mom je..Apart from doa and hope.. kena usaha gak..
And last but not least..I am hoping for him to be a good person for dunia and akhirat.
Ammi Sahil
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Eid Mubarak 1435 & Maaf Zahir Batin
It has been weeks passed since Eid Mubarak, and we celebrate it modestly, even baju pun sepasang je this year. Cukup lah, sekadar anak yg meriah. We try to maintain the color theme for the Eid celebration, tapi terlari jugak.
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Peace Yo! |
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Familia |
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Tunggu turn bersalaman |
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Oma Kesayangan |
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Both garang face |
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Anak Papa! (Hidung Ammi) :P |
Itu lah padahnya bila masing2 beli sendirik-sendirik. Takpe lah, next year we will try to be more sedondon dondondondon don. Hehehehehehehe
I have got the allergy on the 1st day of Raya, which makes me lying down on bed most of the time, and don't even realized the time flies so fast that we don't even take a proper family potrait with Papa, or Oma, and others. Still a bit regret when to think of it. Just got some few pic of little one being cheeky. Okay lah, at least something dari takde langsung.. huhuhuhu.
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Anak sapo lah ni |
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huk aloh.. cass ensem ke nak? :P |
Then the next day dah nk balik dah, and my lil sweet payo pulak got the allergic, (some insect bite maybe). And by night it getting worst. It is so weird that every time balik kampung he will get that. Dunno from where. Stress di buat nya...
1st kena bite, tak effect lagi mata. |
The very next day!!! Hadoih haih |
Budak sakit dah terbaring je.. huhu |
By the way, this little one already 22 months, in 2 months time will be 2 years! Time flies so fast! Noticed that he is one strong willed child. When he decided not to do what you asked him to do, he will not do it unless if he wants to.. Dasat kan, I am soo worried sometimes, tak nak dia jadi degil and disrespect others, esp. his family.
Apart from that he is one chatty baby. Eventhough we don't understand a single word sometimes. It is like he got lost in translation or something. Oma talking to him in Malay most of the time, with her own pelat way. Me will be mixing the Malay and English, and Papa will be mixing between Punjab or Urdu and English? Which one to follow? Confused I guessed, he made up his own language.
My little Angel. never get enough of him..
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Its almost the End..
It was lovely and sweet, surrounded by loves one.. hubby & son, (which my son has no idea whats going on), my mom who was so superb to me and her kids. God bless her, and all my siblings! They are the best!
Some of the highlights
The "feast' |
My fav! Fried Butter Prawn |
Tq so much u |
Thanks Anaaa... |
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Budak X lalu dok diam |
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Thank you Papa & Payo! Muahx |
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Muka Suci..hehe |
Apart from that, it has been another tragic event to Malaysian with another tragedy of MH 17 has been shot down few weeks back, and with all the genocide that still happened in Gaza.
These year feels soo not in the mood of Raya, with all the unfortunate event, and mishap, and with me soooo equiped with work, up to today my lil payo still don't have his baju raya. Sian anak Ammi sowang ni.
Tgk lah.. maybe today ke esok ke final round carik your baju ya sayang?
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Salam Ramadhan al Karim..& Happy 21 months lil Payo
Alhamdulillah..its already a fasting month for all muslim. And being so excited as this is opportunity to enhance and increase our ibadah and submission to God.
With the Ramadhan entering, the thought of this time is no longer on how fancy is the Buka Puasa will be. It is more on to just being moderate in what you do, and try as much as I can to fully utilize the Ramadan month with all the Ibadah.
So far till now I just cooked only 1 time for Buka Puasa, since most of the time will be at the Mom's place. (God bless her). With her taking care of Payo.. and still can prepare the 'feast' for us. Only Allah can reward her for such love she has for us.
Its another great milestone for our lil precious. which turning 21months only. In just few months he will be turning to 2 years. It has been wonderful journey, though sometimes you can just suddenly through your tantrum. (Yeah .. like that trip to JPO remembered? You shout and scream inside the shop like nobody business, cause you saw other kids with stroller car).
You are now capturing a lots of words.. and make my heart melt, everytime you said "Ammi,Papa, Ammi..Papa.. while look at our pic. Your favorite chanting at the moment "YaAllahhYa Allahhh Ya Allah" haha..this when you are so amuse with something.
Your new words "Aduhai..taknak aiskrim (yes u looveeee aiskrim), book.. (and u love books too) shoes, juice, eat, anana(banana), ear, nose , sakit. Actually nowadays you tends to copy whatever people said, and done. I am so amuse now that you imitate every single act. From praying.. to eating, any act. You loves to follow. And love to sketch on any books, and easily frustrated to things that not according to your way.. hehe. Sometimes Ammi will be like " Sabar sayang, have to pujuk you a bit" Need to teach him to be more patience.
Anyways hope you will be growing to be a wise man one day, and being a good & soleh person.
My 1st cooking so far during the Ramadhan. |
With the Ramadhan entering, the thought of this time is no longer on how fancy is the Buka Puasa will be. It is more on to just being moderate in what you do, and try as much as I can to fully utilize the Ramadan month with all the Ibadah.
So far till now I just cooked only 1 time for Buka Puasa, since most of the time will be at the Mom's place. (God bless her). With her taking care of Payo.. and still can prepare the 'feast' for us. Only Allah can reward her for such love she has for us.
Its another great milestone for our lil precious. which turning 21months only. In just few months he will be turning to 2 years. It has been wonderful journey, though sometimes you can just suddenly through your tantrum. (Yeah .. like that trip to JPO remembered? You shout and scream inside the shop like nobody business, cause you saw other kids with stroller car).
Asked him to look at the camera " No! No!Tak nak". Seriously not in the mood ha baby. |
You are now capturing a lots of words.. and make my heart melt, everytime you said "Ammi,Papa, Ammi..Papa.. while look at our pic. Your favorite chanting at the moment "YaAllahhYa Allahhh Ya Allah" haha..this when you are so amuse with something.
Your new words "Aduhai..taknak aiskrim (yes u looveeee aiskrim), book.. (and u love books too) shoes, juice, eat, anana(banana), ear, nose , sakit. Actually nowadays you tends to copy whatever people said, and done. I am so amuse now that you imitate every single act. From praying.. to eating, any act. You loves to follow. And love to sketch on any books, and easily frustrated to things that not according to your way.. hehe. Sometimes Ammi will be like " Sabar sayang, have to pujuk you a bit" Need to teach him to be more patience.
Anyways hope you will be growing to be a wise man one day, and being a good & soleh person.
Yup.. tell me about it..he park his ride inside the tent.. haha |
Pretending to read but actually checking on Papa.. |
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Halloo hallooo halloo..Happy 20th Months Sayang..
Omg.. it's been awhile.. and to be frank I am totally forgot that I have a blog to update. Aiyoyo.. what happen. Now I tell to my self that I will at least update once a week? (ehehe.. we will see..)
I can't believed my little sahil will be at his 20 months in just few days! Shocked? do I.. how time flies.. Looking back to his recent and old pic.. I was like wow.. so fast.. And yet he suprised me everyday with his new thing.
Recent development?
He understand emotion, words and instruction. For example..there is 1 day I listened to John Legend's song, All of me.. and being so lovey dovey with romantic mood on inside the car. And he can turn his mood as well. Being romantic., kissing my hand., and looking to my eyes deeply. I felt like "Gosh, this little one,and kiss him and my eye teary a bit., and.. he is in tears too. Omg... hahaha. romantik abis anak Ammi nih!
He lovesss to be with people. Always want to make new friends, regardless how big/small is the person. And for girls, he loves calling them baby? (err.. baby? sudah nak jadi player kah? Haha). And he will easily get bored, when if it is just me and him at the playground. He really wants some company of his age. What shall I do? hu hu.. Thinking of putting him with some playdate session. Okay, need to get some friends with similar age of his to get start.. But who.. thinking.. or go to some preschool session? (Is it too early?) Yeah.. just something that can make him excited with friends. Takde lah asyik kawan with Adult like me and his Omma.. he he..
I can't believed my little sahil will be at his 20 months in just few days! Shocked? do I.. how time flies.. Looking back to his recent and old pic.. I was like wow.. so fast.. And yet he suprised me everyday with his new thing.
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His Early days.. (so different) |
Around 3 months this.. time flies.. |
Recent development?
He understand emotion, words and instruction. For example..there is 1 day I listened to John Legend's song, All of me.. and being so lovey dovey with romantic mood on inside the car. And he can turn his mood as well. Being romantic., kissing my hand., and looking to my eyes deeply. I felt like "Gosh, this little one,and kiss him and my eye teary a bit., and.. he is in tears too. Omg... hahaha. romantik abis anak Ammi nih!
He lovesss to be with people. Always want to make new friends, regardless how big/small is the person. And for girls, he loves calling them baby? (err.. baby? sudah nak jadi player kah? Haha). And he will easily get bored, when if it is just me and him at the playground. He really wants some company of his age. What shall I do? hu hu.. Thinking of putting him with some playdate session. Okay, need to get some friends with similar age of his to get start.. But who.. thinking.. or go to some preschool session? (Is it too early?) Yeah.. just something that can make him excited with friends. Takde lah asyik kawan with Adult like me and his Omma.. he he..
Recently...Boring la Ammi.. |
Monday, 17 March 2014
March 2014 - What a Shocked Month!
Omg.. dah berabuk dah my blog ni.. Suppose to update things esp. related to my lil one.. but caught up with so many things... and the worst part I forgot that he is already 17 months? Dah besar dah busuk Ammi sorang ni.. huhuhu..
And of all the craze of MH370, nothing can beat the Raja Bomoh sensational act in KLIA Airport. Such a mockery to us as Muslim, with all the crazy act. And makes all the Parody came out. Such a shame on what others think this as part of Muslim practice? No, this is just some act of stupidity and nonsense...thats it. Nothing to do with religion. With all the remarks the one I can't take when the 'Bomoh King' wants to penampau buaya to Khairi Jamaluddin? Kakakaka...
Things has been turning upside down for the past couple of months.. with my new role in the Co. that I worked with. Aligned with the busyness of new role.. Nak ber blog ke..ber so sial media ke.. mane la sempat.. Sempat la kot balas-balas whatsapp or update skit kt FB. Apart from that.. haram.... I love my new role.. it just that I never felt overwhelmed about work, and this is considered my 1st time jumping upside down.
By the way.. speaking of recent things happened..all of us have been shocked with the missing flight news of MH370. #prayforMH370 . Its really shocked and unbelievable at first. But things goes on, with so many speculations and yet the missing flight are yet to be found. I can't imagine myself of being there, or being the relatives or the families of the passenger. I will be devastated. In this state of cautiousness, what I can say is just pray as much as we can, and live the rest to the Greatest. With the recent development of possibility that the transponder has been switched off,or human factor to it,( I can refer to the word hijacked yet, will drive to another speculation). But all I can say there is still hope for us.
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And this is so typical us when it comes to social media hu |
And of all the craze of MH370, nothing can beat the Raja Bomoh sensational act in KLIA Airport. Such a mockery to us as Muslim, with all the crazy act. And makes all the Parody came out. Such a shame on what others think this as part of Muslim practice? No, this is just some act of stupidity and nonsense...thats it. Nothing to do with religion. With all the remarks the one I can't take when the 'Bomoh King' wants to penampau buaya to Khairi Jamaluddin? Kakakaka...
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Kakaka..buaya pun ketakutan.. |
Another recent things, the haze. #haze. These past weeks the haze became more worst. And sejak join sales team ni mmg 80% of my work kat luar. So memang terasa sangat k.. And since I have been living in the 7th floor apartment, you can smells the smoke from the house. Sesak nafas! And got phobia at night , coz suddenly smells the smoke, and thought the house is on fire. Stress kan?
View from the house...gloomy Saturday.. |
Water supply being rationed. I don't experience this yet. More from the friends from other area in Selangor. I guess till now I am still the lucky one, since my area not really affected by that.
Apa-apa pun we should go back to HIM, and with all the unfortunate event that recently happened.. really its time for us to start looking back to ourselves and think .. Ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian.. Always a silver lining .. :)
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Happy 15 months Baby..
Alamak... few days has past.. and he is already fifteen months.. sorry baby... Ammi lost track a bit.. even I lost track of what day it is today.. I thought it still Thursday but actually its already Friday dah..bole?
Okay.. talked about what you have been doing so this age, you are still building your skill to communicate with us. Still mumble and's okay.. and at this point of time.. you being soooo cheeky.. pretend to laugh to something unsure.. and always being cheerful.
Oh.. you also has few teeth to come out... (masak la Ammi kena gigit). And then you love to call everybody Ma.. ma.. even calling your Papa Ma? (Confused jap).
oh.. one last thing.. you are one tough baby.. why I said that? A few incidents happens. First you were locked in the room few times, and its very dark, and you just sit quietly until Ammi open the door back for you, and smile at me? are you kidding me sayang? not afraid at all? how la Ammi wants to do the time off to you.. dark room seems not working for you. hahaha.
Other incident : He managed to open my Tiger Balm (which you know its quite hot even for an adult), and put it on his face, and smiling at me? Baby baby..
In anyways, you always gonna be our precious one..And more years and milestone to come.. Happy 15 months Sayang.. muahx muahx muahx...Sayang dia sangat sangat!
oh..forgot.. major event:
Papa did his first hair cut! Without Ammi there.. sedih plak... And semua org terkejut.. esp family member.. All like "whhhyyyy" huhu
Ada orang cakap he looks more Malay bila dah botak nih.. I couldn't agree more..
Tapi Papa still nak cakap 90% ikut muka Papa. :P
Okay.. talked about what you have been doing so this age, you are still building your skill to communicate with us. Still mumble and's okay.. and at this point of time.. you being soooo cheeky.. pretend to laugh to something unsure.. and always being cheerful.
Oh.. you also has few teeth to come out... (masak la Ammi kena gigit). And then you love to call everybody Ma.. ma.. even calling your Papa Ma? (Confused jap).
oh.. one last thing.. you are one tough baby.. why I said that? A few incidents happens. First you were locked in the room few times, and its very dark, and you just sit quietly until Ammi open the door back for you, and smile at me? are you kidding me sayang? not afraid at all? how la Ammi wants to do the time off to you.. dark room seems not working for you. hahaha.
Other incident : He managed to open my Tiger Balm (which you know its quite hot even for an adult), and put it on his face, and smiling at me? Baby baby..
In anyways, you always gonna be our precious one..And more years and milestone to come.. Happy 15 months Sayang.. muahx muahx muahx...Sayang dia sangat sangat!
oh..forgot.. major event:
Papa did his first hair cut! Without Ammi there.. sedih plak... And semua org terkejut.. esp family member.. All like "whhhyyyy" huhu
Hu hu.. dah botak dah my baby... uuuuuu |
Tapi Papa still nak cakap 90% ikut muka Papa. :P
Ya la Papa.. memang your face.. |
Miss his curly hair |
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