Alhamdulillah..its already a fasting month for all muslim. And being so excited as this is opportunity to enhance and increase our ibadah and submission to God.
My 1st cooking so far during the Ramadhan. |
With the Ramadhan entering, the thought of this time is no longer on how fancy is the Buka Puasa will be. It is more on to just being moderate in what you do, and try as much as I can to fully utilize the Ramadan month with all the Ibadah.
So far till now I just cooked only 1 time for Buka Puasa, since most of the time will be at the Mom's place. (God bless her). With her taking care of Payo.. and still can prepare the 'feast' for us. Only Allah can reward her for such love she has for us.
Its another great milestone for our lil precious. which turning 21months only. In just few months he will be turning to 2 years. It has been wonderful journey, though sometimes you can just suddenly through your tantrum. (Yeah .. like that trip to JPO remembered? You shout and scream inside the shop like nobody business, cause you saw other kids with stroller car).
Asked him to look at the camera " No! No!Tak nak". Seriously not in the mood ha baby. |
You are now capturing a lots of words.. and make my heart melt, everytime you said "Ammi,Papa, Ammi..Papa.. while look at our pic. Your favorite chanting at the moment "YaAllahhYa Allahhh Ya Allah" haha..this when you are so amuse with something.
Your new words "Aduhai..taknak aiskrim (yes u looveeee aiskrim), book.. (and u love books too) shoes, juice, eat, anana(banana), ear, nose , sakit. Actually nowadays you tends to copy whatever people said, and done. I am so amuse now that you imitate every single act. From praying.. to eating, any act. You loves to follow. And love to sketch on any books, and easily frustrated to things that not according to your way.. hehe. Sometimes Ammi will be like " Sabar sayang, have to pujuk you a bit" Need to teach him to be more patience.
Anyways hope you will be growing to be a wise man one day, and being a good & soleh person.
Yup.. tell me about it..he park his ride inside the tent.. haha |
Pretending to read but actually checking on Papa.. |