Dah nak end of October, what a busy month for me! Nak update pasal birthday my baby pun tak sempat.. With work and with the shop that about to open in 10 days time... with Raya and stuff.. and dalam kesibukan tu dapat pula berita pemergian my Anjang. Arwah Zainab Haji Shamsudin,(al Fatihah to her)..
Update skit on my Payo's Bday Party and House Warming, it was simple and sweet.
We started our kenduri with Qasidah and doa kesyukuran from my sis's frens punya group....
Adik-adik berqasidah.. |
Minion Cookies! Comel sangat kan? |
Sayang nak ngap.. tq to naziha @nksbakingwithlove |
Rainbow cake from K As... tq sangat-sangat.. |
Rainbow Cake by my dearest fren Emi.. can order from her .. |
The Sweet Treats Station.. |
Birthday Boy n Kak Dhiya (My kesayangan...) |
K Dhiya smpt possing.. |
He was laughing when we sang him the song.. excited |
Long time bff |
Cake Cutting Time... terkezut tak Papa Sahil dah botak.. hehehe |
Long time bff.. kayla n mummy yg dtg jauh from US.. tak sempat nak playdate with Kayla..huhu |
Basically it was fun and sweet thing ... my only regret.. tak dapat nk take pic with my siblings yg sgt bertungkus lumus for the majlis... HUHUHU..
Later nak hapdate on the new shop that we are currently working on... which really hope this will be the start for us.. Doakan semua nya berjalan lancar.. Ameen..
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