Wah...cepat nya nak habis Ramadhan. Feeling emotional plak sikit. Emotional nyeh.. sebab bakal nak kena menggantikan puasa yang ter lampau lah banyak la tertinggal this time. I thought last year 12 days considered a lot.. This year 19 days! pengsan..Tak pa lah..slow slow..
Few updates. First, my son turning 10 months few days back. Cepat betul masa berlalu. Tak sedar langsung. I am so excited to see him growing up healthily and actively. He is such a character, like me.ngeeeeee Ada je some funny,mengada moment he created. And just to look at him now being cheeky and notty, makes me sangat bersyukur given all this experience, and enjoying it.
Happy 10 months manja Ammi mengada.. hehehe |
His biggest achievement. Turun naik katil dgn selamba nya.. That one he got it masa 9 months lagi.
His other favourite activities :1. Main vacuum, used to scared of vacuum, now dok lah heret ke sana sini.
2. Then basin. I keep few basins for various purposes, and hide it, tapi he manage to find it. and stack it, and sepah kan, then walk away.
3. On off switch point. Every time he sees the point is switch off, he will go and turn it on. Sometimes slow slow I will turn it off, dia dengar je bunyi click! cepat-cepat turn and crawl back and turn it on again. Sabar je lah. hahahaha.
4. Everytime he heard the azan, asmaul husna and salawat shifa ke, or any qassidah masa in between maghrib, smpi ke isya', he will be stunned. Cam dia sangat amazed ke hapa, everytime he listens to that. There is one time, I was with him in the room and let the tv on. Suddenly, dia dengar 'Nas alu ka ya ..man huwallahullazi... "dia terus kelam kabut turun dari katil terus gi kat living room, and just sit there and watch asmaul husna tu sampai habis, then sambung main balik.. lawak betul bila ingatkan.
5. He loves to eat, and anything that really nice or delicious to him, he will make the sound 'nyum nyum nyum' . He reminds me of the cookies monster somehow. Hahahhahaha
Thats all about him for now. Before that, since few days lagi nak Raya, wish to all of you have a journey back home, and Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.