Eh.. macam tak kena je title kat ataih ni?Salam Syawal 1434 Hijrah.. Still in Raya mood even dah setengah Syawal dah ni.. Cepat je masa berlalu...
This year Syawal is considered happening for me. 1st, it is the first Syawal for Sahil Raj, ( I always like to call him that..kakaka.. if u happened to read this Sahil, you should marah papa..dia bagi nama u like that) , and1st Syawal of us being a family. Can't help of being so excited. Theme color we ols are brown, since Sahil had his 1st punjabi suit given by papa's friend is brown. So berusaha la mak nye nk mematching2 kan. I think we will do better next year.
Sayang sangat! |
Kesayanganku |
Cucu-cucu Omma |
Kesayangan ku donia akhirat... |
Kanak kanak Terlebey Riang |
These 3 stooges ni dh besar masing-masing. I will try to get their pic when their still kecik and notty.Hehehe |
But this year a bit kelam kabut for me, sebab my hubby tetiba mengajak la pulak trip ke Langkawi on 3rd Raya. Kita nih nak attend cousin wedding nya.. (that explained the Gerbang and pelamin ye..bukan pasal sesuka je ada situ.. hehehehe..) Rushing gila hokay. Tak sempat nak take pic with Pengantin. Tapi layan kan aja lah.. perangai laki ku..kang durhaka pulak.. ngeeeee
Ni pic masa depa nikah je la dapat.. Selamat Pengantin Baru Nina! |
Nanti ingat nak cerita sikit about Langkawi Trip plak.. If I had time..
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