Semangat nih..semangat nk menghapdate blog.. kekekekeke.. By the way this time nak story sikit pasal our Langkawi Trip.
It happened on the 3rd Syawal, masa org tengah sebuk-sebuk kenduri tu.. Tak sempat nak beramah mesra with my school friend.. huk huk huk...Then on the way to Kuala Kedah, baru realized, eh.. what is the last ferry.. kang sia-sia je pegi.. googlekan.. tgk last ferry at 7pm! Si Imran , (papa's friend) dah bawak style F1 racing dah.. (kecut-kecut perut ku)
Then we reached there around 6.30 pm, sempat beli ticket, and sempat book for island hopping for tomorrow..then ingat kan kul 7 tu dah nak gerak la ferry kan.. bantai nya 8.16pm baru nak gerak... dah lemau weh.. But 1 thing about payo.. dia tak banyak buat perangai sangat.. except nak mek(menyusu) or nak tido..
Anak Papa.. |
Greetings from the ferry.. dah kul 8 lebey woit.. |
Reached Langkawi Jetty at 10smthing.. super lembik.. then smpi homestay..terus pengsan!
The next day, pagi-pagi dah bangun for Island Hopping activities. The activities including bermandian di pantai Beras Basah, lepak at Pulau Dayang Bunting, and eagle feeding, with very reasonable price, RM 30! Mana nak dapek weh..
Muka Kantoi tgh cium baby non-stop.. kakaka! While waiting for the pick up.. |
At Pulau Beras Basah |
Persatuan Isteri-isteri Paki.. (kakakaka) |
Had our picnic with fresh coffee n bread. Heaven.. |
Hensem kan saya dari Papa |
Ready for Dip! |
My favorite view... |
Eagle Feeding yang I seriously thought that we gonna feed the eagle..but end up jst watching them catching the fish |
Ceh.. baru teringat, xde pic signmark for Pulau Dayang Bunting... and rupanya kena memanjat bukit! before leh smpi ke tempat mandi/lepak nya..
Tolong abaikan kegemukan diriku...sila focus on the nice view.. kakaka.. (by the way the tasik is 80m deep hokay) |
Korang la yang lebey la kan.. |
Dah bangun tido kt Dayang Bunting.. Terus pose! |
Dah kat pekan Kuah.. Makan time at papa's fren restaurant |
My favorite pic.. |
Dia yang paling Excited nye.. |
My view when I lying down on the bench.. Bliss! |
My favorite view when I looked down...hehehe |
Sambung ke next post..
aku penah g eagle feeding ni...aku pon memula igt kitorg yg akan feed burung tu..hahahahah
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