Monday 15 July 2013

Salam Ramadhan and Happy Bday!

Alhamdulillah.. it is 7th day of Ramadhan, and last week on 11th July was my birthday! Happy 18th bday to me! hahaha ( I am seriously dun even remember how was my 18th Bday like)

1st of all, I am sangat-sangat bersyukur with what I have now. Good life, di berikan kesihatan yang baik, anak yang sihat dan comel, suami yang tersayang, and family who always there for me, esp my mama, and adik-adik tersayang, tak lupa jugak to babah. Nothing else you can asked for, except for continues happiness in our family life, and semoga di murah rezeki and diberkati dunia akhirat.

I am starting my Ramadhan with new resolution, and may Allah bless my journey to be a better muslim. Why I decided to take hijab seriously? I have been wanting to do long time ago, but I want it to do it slowly, and confidently. Meaning I want to do it with my full heart, and not some one force me to do it, but I need to understand it myself fully. My journey to made me realized about the beauty of being a good muslim started towards this ESQ session that I had previously 2 years before. Since then, I had quietly transforming myself internally, before decided to make the change.

 For all this while, I have been such a brat and not dedicated muslim. Dan banyak dah la kejahilan lampau yang dibuat, and yet Allah always give me chance and never neglected His servant, despite of me like that. What ever I have doa and pray to Him , he will grant it., and will give me what I have deserved, in very unique way. Like why I dun get what I have wanted, but He gave me with something much better and makes me appreciate it so much.

For example, my son. People knows how I was longing for a child to bright up our lives. And has been praying for it since my marriage. I pray with all the effort to have a baby, and at 1 point, I have giving it up, not because I don't trust in Him, but we have separated due to my hubby migration to Europe for new job. So, with that situation,  I met hubby every 6 months, and who have thought that God works His miracle that I have conceived my baby, during that short visit. Of course with the effort of taking care of my diet, and take some supplement to support my hormon imbalance problem. But who can deny it and tell its not part of the miracle. I remember in the Quran verse in Surah Yassin of saying Kun Fa ya Kun ((“Jadilah!” maka terjadilah ia”.)  Sesungguhnya keadaan-Nya apabila Dia menghendaki sesuatu hanyalah berkata kepadanya.

Eh.. ter ceramah lak di bulan Ramadhan nih. Yeah, I just want to share how I felt for all these while. Especially nowadays, every day I looked to my son ,feeling grateful and syukur sangat. Aku tidak lah sekaya mana, tapi setiap nikmat yang diberikan tu, sangat bernilai for me. Just to hear my son gigle and laughed loudly pun merupakan satu nikmat. Looking at him while he is asleep pon nikmat.  My son is already a gift to me, and I believed to each of my family. Its like God has wrapped this gift nicely, and put a ribbon to him and handed over to us.  So for this birthday, I wish that I will be better as a person, who loves her God, Rasul  and family. And wish me to have prosperous and great year ahead with more riqz from Allah. Thank you.

Thank you sayang!

Thank you Allah for this beautiful things in my life

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